Lincolnshire Methodist District Logo Link

a heartbeat of prayer for the county and world

a heartbeat of prayer for the county and world

a heartbeat of prayer for the county and world

a heartbeat of prayer for the county and world

a heartbeat of prayer for the county and world

Each Methodist community across the county belongs to the wider family of Methodism. We are proud of the fact that our founders John and Charles Wesley were born here in Lincolnshire at Epworth and whose ministries have led to 60 million-strong worldwide Church.

The District covers much of the geographic area of historic Lincolnshire from Scunthorpe and Grimsby in the north and Holbeach and Boston in the south. The District is made up of 99 congregations placed in nine circuits. Twenty one active ordained ministers lead the churches along with some retired ministers, some ministers from other denominations who are authorised to serve, paid staff, administrators and a huge amount of volunteers.

Amongst other things we are proud of our district local church pastor scheme and our chaplaincies in agriculture and primary healthcare.

Our strategy "Beyond 2020: Faithful and True" was launched in September 2021.

Please get in touch with either your local church or via this web site if you think we can be of any help.

Lincolnshire Methodist District

Charity Number 1134228

c/o Burton Road Methodist Church
175 Burton Road

01522 370126


Do you feel unsafe?
Are you being hurt?
Do you need advice about an urgent situation?

Emergency Services

Adult Social Care
01522 782155

0800 1111

Contact Our Safeguarding Officer:
Howard Smedley 07758 239286

© 2025 – Lincolnshire Methodist District